Super Clock Wallpaper is the Ultimate Clock Live Wallpaper. You can unleash your creativity!
It displays Time, Date, your actual WiFi SSID (if available) and Battery status and it’s designed for both smartphones and Tablets.
You have an amazing amount of customization settings, such as font appearance,color and size, shadow, custom backgrounds/color backgrounds and so much more!
It is studied to be featherweight and keeps your battery life safe!
Works with every display resolution!
With Super Clock Wallpaper you can unleash your creativity and give your phone a unique and personal look!
Here’s the main available features:
- Clock position
- Hour/Date/Indicators Size
- More than 35 amazing Fonts
- Font Color
- Font Shadow
- Color Background
- Custom Background
- Animations when sliding through homescreens
- Hide on Lockscreen
- WiFi SSID (togglable)
- Battery Status (togglable)
- Alpha transparencies/opacities
- Full-featured color picker
- Android 3.0 Honeycomb Full Support
- Hardware Acceleration for Honeycomb and ICS
- Ice Cream Sandwich – ready!
..and much more!!!
The Clock is displayed in English, French, German, Italian, Portoguese and Spanish.
Discover Super Clock Wallpaper Pro, discover a new way to make your phone unique!
If you want more features, or find something that doesn’t look cool, write me an e-mail and I’ll do my best to improve the wallpaper for the next release!
How To Use:
1) To apply the wallpaper, follow these steps:
Tap your homescreen -> Wallpaper -> Live Wallpapers -> Super Clock Wallpaper Pro
2) To set a custom background:
-In Super Clock Wallpaper Settings, Click on Background Appearance
-Uncheck “Use Color Background”
-Click “Set Custom Background” and choose your desired background!